How your donations help
Philadelphia Home and School Council "Fundamental Start" Program
Our "Fundamental Start" program is geared towards ensuring that school communities across our district are given brand new books that appeal to their likes and possible careers. Although this is not a daily routine it is our quarterly response to the lack of resources available to our families. This was extremely important during the pandemic and has been a request from most schools since we started this program. Comic books for all ages have been a big hit with students that interact with us. Donations for this program should be marked "Fundamental Start" or "Books"
Philadelphia Home and School Councils' High School Awards & Recognition Program
Unlike many award ceremonies that target only the students who have on paper achieved academic success, The Philadelphia Home and School Council honors students whose educators have observed resiliency to succeed in the face of hardship.
With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to help many of these students offset the costs of post-secondary applications, purchase books for the semester, or simply buy food for their homes.
We here at PHSC recognize these students yearly at our Annual Awards Ceremony, as we understand praise nurtures a child's confidence and sense of self. We look forward to positively impacting these children's lives and make it our mission to ensure that they are proud of their accomplishments. To support our effort, please mark the donation “Scholarships” and give directly to support our efforts here.
Philadelphia Home and School Councils' Community Awards & Recognition Program
With the generous support of people like you, we will be able to honor deserving parents, teachers, principals, advocates, and activists who positively impact our community. These awardees have successfully helped the children in the School district of Philadelphia on their road to completion of their high school graduation; reinforcing the value of determination and work ethic that have prepared our youth to be good citizens as well as great leaders. Please mark your donation "Community Awards"
Give to Home & School Associations
Home & School Associations (HSAs) are an integral part of every school that is fortunate enough to have one. They are the parent voice and true parent advocates of the school! Our parent volunteers work with Faculty and Staff to provide the best communal & educational experience to students possible.
Every year, HSAs are required to pay $150 to cover insurance, training, and operations. Some HSAs do so comfortably. Others just barely make it. And still, others just can’t afford to do so and chose to not fall under membership which allows them to be vulnerable to issues that can arise. By donating and earmarking the funds for HSAs, you are actively contributing to beginning new HSAs being formed in schools that need them & other HSAs being operable for another year. Please mark your donation “HSAs” and give directly to support our efforts here.
Give to Philadelphia Home and School Council
Support Philadelphia Home School Council (PHSC) in the work we do. We provide oversight to local HSAs, shoulder most of the cost of their insurance, provide HSAs and parents with school-based training and district-wide training, help cover transportation and cost for National training, and are available whenever HSAs need us. We must be operationally sound. And that’s just what we do for HSAs.
125th Anniversary Celebration
Hitting our fundraising goal of $125,000 ($1k for every year) will help us honor more families, students, and schools. Make a donation of $12.50 or more in honor of our 125th Anniversary! For more information click here.
Remember we’re all volunteers. With your help, we can more comfortably provide supportive services to families in need, host events & workshops, keep PHSC insured, maintain group exemption and finance Executive level training among many other things. Every little bit assists us in being even more capable to provide the service we do from our hearts each day. Please mark your donation “PHSC” and give directly to support our efforts here.
All donations made to the Philadelphia Home and School Council are tax-deductible as PHSC qualifies as a charitable organization under the IRS regulations
Donations can also be mailed to:
Philadelphia Home and School Council
440 North Broad Street, Room 115
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Attention PHSC Treasurer
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Philadelphia Home and School Council