PHSC is the umbrella organization of the Philadelphia area Home and School Associations (hereinafter called “HSAs”). HSAs are: Parents, Guardians, and Stakeholders with an interest in the students in Philadelphia schools primarily; Students and other School and Community Members in Philadelphia schools;
PHSC represents HSA members as well as parents and guardians in the School District of Philadelphia (hereinafter called “SDP”).
To promote the welfare of children and youth in their homes, schools, communities, and places of worship. To assist with raising the standards of home life and community by supplying information, goods, support, and/or donations to communities in need.
To bring into closer relations between the home and the school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate respectfully in the education of children and youth
The Purposes of the The Philadelphia Home and School Council and Home and School Associations are promoted through our advocacy, activism, and educational programming directed toward parents, teachers, and the general public; developed through conferences, committees, projects, and programs
To create a Home and School Association (HSA) in every school, (public and charter) in the School District of Philadelphia to guarantee that parents, guardians, and grandparents, are given a voice in their child’s or children’s education process.
To provide district and public charter schools a tailored advocacy process for parents and other stakeholders to obtain approval of becoming a member of any Home and School Association in the City of Philadelphia.
To stand publicly with schools, their families, and staff that are being affected by school or community hardships such as lack of economic power, wealth, geographical location, or racial bias
To sponsor, host, and organize Parent Educational Leadership Trainings and Workshops that help empower and strengthen the lives of the parents and children in our neighborhoods and schools while building up/educating our next community leaders, activists, and advocates.
To ensure that all PHSC and HSA Executive Boards are composed of members/officers across various incomes, classes, abilities, neighborhoods, and orientations, making certain that we are organically yet equitably built to have all stakeholders voices present on our boards.
To activate parents and stakeholders’ legislative awareness steering them towards actions that assist with public policies with the intent to uphold the highest standard of education for all children regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, creed, nationality, class, or educational needs. By doing this, PHSC promotes parents and stakeholder’s right/will/voice to vote, helping with voter registration and holding candidate forums/townhalls that allow for inclusion of all parties.
To provide space for grassroot organizations, nonprofits, and other orgs that teach or provide services to our district families that enhance their awareness of social, economical, and racial injustice that is happening but not always publicized.
To partner, support, and coordinate with State Representatives, City Council, Board Of Education, and the School District of Philadelphia in promoting the social, emotional and academic success of public and charter school students.
To transmit and or represent the views of parents to the proper district/city/state authorities